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Apple Filing Protocol (AFP)

Runs on port 548

Use netatalk to get the latest (final) spec of AFP running on your systems. Uses krb5 if you have it setup. Man pages tell you want to do.

The short version is this: Install netatalk & avahi, open the ports on your FW, edit your /etc/netatalk/afp.conf file to add your shares. (Re)Start the netatalk service. Enjoy your shares and time machine. I tested this under Rocky 8 and CentOS 7. YMMV

; Netatalk 3.x configuration file  

; enable spotlight
spotlight = yes
; play nice with samba
ea = samba  

; If you want to share your home(s)
;basedir regex = /home  

; enable timemachine for backups
path = /hot-tub/timemachine/
time machine = yes  
vol size limit = 250000
; this limits it to 250GB


path = /I/Like/Cheese

path = /Data/Path/Here